ATA Air Transport Association of America
ATB Air Transport Board of Canada
AWB Air Waybill (Guía Aérea)
B Rate class code indicating Basic charges as used in the rate class box of the AWB
BUC Bulk Unitization Charges
C Rate class code indicating SCR as used in the rate class box of the AWB
CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System
CC Charges Collect
CCA Cargo Charges Correction Advice
CFR Cost and Freight (Costo y Flete)
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight (Costo, Seguro y Flete)
CIP Carriage and Insurance paid to (Transporte y seguro pagos hasta)
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
cm Centimetre (s)
cm3 Cubic Centrimetre (s)
C.O.D . Cash on Delivery
CPT Carriage paid to
CRO Central Reservation Office
CTC (A) Canadian Transport Commission (Air Transport Committee)
cu.ft. Cubic foot (feet)
cu.in. Cubic inch (es)
CVGK Customs value per gross kilogram (kg)
CVGP Customs value per gross pound (lb)
Cy. Currency
DAF Delivery at Frontier (Entrega en Frontera)
DDP Delivered duty paid (Entregada, derechos pagos)
DDU Delivered duty unpaid (Entregada, derechos impagos)
DEQ Delivered ex quay (duty paid) (Entregada en muelle - derechos pagos)
DES Delivered ex ship (Entregada sobre buque)
Dir. Direct dm3 Cubic decimetre (s)
DOT Department of Transportation (of the USA)
E Rate class code indicating over pivot rates as used in the rate class box of the AWB
e.g. For example
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EU European Union
EWB Express Waybill excl. Excluding
FAS Free alongside ship (Franco al costado del buque)
FCA Free carrier (Franco transportista)
FIATA Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations)
FOB Free on board (Franco a bordo)
ft. Foot (feet)
GBL U.S. Government Bill of Lading
GCR General Cargo Rate
HWB House Waybill IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
i.e. that is in. Inch (es)
incl. Including
INTRM Intermediate point
ISO International Standard Organisation
K Rate class code indicating rate per kilogramme as used in the rate class box of the AWB
kg (s) Kilogram (s)
LAR Live Animal Regulations
lb (s) Pound (s)
L/C Letter of Credit
M Rate class code indicating minimum charges as used in the rate class box of the AWB
m Meter (s)
m3 Cubic meter (s)
MCO Miscellaneous Charges Order
N Rate class code indicating the Normal under 45 kgs (100 lbs) or in its absence, the under 100 kgs (220 lbs) rate, as used in the rate class box of the AWB
N.A. North America issue of TACT
NCV No Commercial Value or No Customs Value
N.E.S. Not elsewhere specified indicates tha certain types of that commodity have been specified under another item number (see Commodity Description List)
No., Nr. Number
NVD No value Declared
PBA Paid by Agent
P.O. (B) Post Office (Box)
PP Charges Prepaid
Q Rate class code indicating the Quantity 45 kgs (100 lbs) and over rate as used in the rate clas box of the AWB
R Rate class code indicating that a surcharged class rate has been applied as used in the rate class box of the AWB
SCR Specific Commodity Rate
SITA Societé Internationale de Telecommunications Aéronautiques
SLI Shipper's Letter of Instruction
TACT The Air Cargo Tariff
U Rate class code indicating ULD Basic rate or chage as used in the rate class box of the AWB
UATP Universal Air Travel Plan
ULD Unit Load Device
v.v. vice versa
W Rate class code indicating an additional weight charge as used in the rate class box of the AWB
W.W. Worldwide issue of TACT
X Rate class code indicating ULD additional information as used in the rate class box of the AWB
Y Rate class code indicating ULD discount as used in the rate class box of the AWB